Vision, Values, Lived Experiences and Message from School House Captains

At St Stephens our VISION is a short, precise, agreed statement of intent setting out where the school aims to be. The vision is the ultimate goal for the school community and a vivid picture of what our school is trying to achieve in the future. Our VALUES influence how we conduct ourselves in every interaction we have with others. Our values dictate our behaviours. Values are the means by which our school expresses its vision in daily life and opportunities. LIVED EXPERIENCE is the means to deliver our vision and values to the school community through everyday life. It encompasses the opportunities and knowledge that they gain from these experiences. (The practical tools to deliver the vision and values.)
At St Stephens Community Academy we strive to deliver a high quality, engaging and inclusive education- a safe environment where all pupils can flourish and reach new goals. We believe that all our pupils can and will achieve in all aspects of the curriculum. We recognise and encourage different talents; social development and life skills are clear and ever present priorities to support our pupils through their future adventures with us and beyond.  As a UNICEF Children's Rights School we know that children have a right to to a primary education and young people should be encouraged to reach the highest level of education they are capable of. At St Stephens we use our best endeavours to ensure this right is well and truly met. 
A welcome  from our House Captains. 2024-2025
Dear Team St Stephens 
We are awfully excited to be elected democratically as your new House Captains for 2024-2025. We hope to be excellent advocates and role models for every pupil at our amazing school. We will listen to all your ideas and views to make sure your voice is heard. We know as a UNICEF GOLD Rights Respecting school that every child and adult should have the rights they were born with respected- we will ensure these are lived at Team St Stephens.

Thank you for this exciting opportunity

Yours sincerely 
Willow (Castle), Rocco(Roundhouse), Josh (Zig Zag) and Lexi(Priory)