Science Week

Science Week
In our My World learning, we have been learning about materials this term. We have been finding out what things are made of and what they are like. Some of us have been thinking about why things are made of some materials. Windows are made of glass because we can see through it. 
Last week, we went on a material hunt across the school to see what we could find across the school.
This week, we learnt how to record our results in a chart and words to describe the materials. 
We went on a nature hunt outside today. Our challenge was to find things that were soft, hard, smooth, rough, spiky, colourful today. We found branches, moss, lichen, buttercups, daffodils, primroses, bugs, soft wood, and grass. 
We also had a really good look at the tadpoles in class F. They were really small.
Warm and Cold
We have been exploring how water feels and the difference between warm and cold. WE had a mix of ice, cold water and warm water. We put our hands in both pots of water- one in warm, one in cold or icy water. It was a really funny feeling. Some of us really liked holding the ice to see how long it took to melt. Some preferred to put their hands in the warm water instead.