Science Week - WB 13th March 2023

Making observations of plants and painting daffodils.
Observing changes - our frogspawn is beginning to change into tadpoles. 
Making bubble snakes; seeing how long we can make the 'snakes' and how far they could fly.
Making colourful volcanoes; seeing what happens when we mix bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and food colouring. 
Visit from Jenny, a vet. 
I wonder;
Experimenting with felt pens, paper towels and water.
I think it (the felt pen colours) will spread out like it did with the skittles.
What we noticed;
It has disappeared!
The colours have faded.
The colours are going together.
It is like a rainbow.
Dental Nurse visit - Archway Dental
Jasmine, a dental nurse came to visit to tell us how to look after our teeth.
We use our teeth for eating and talking.
Did you know ...
You should brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes.
You only need to use a pea sized amount of toothpaste.
There is no need to  rinse the toothpaste away.
It is important to visit the dentist regularly.
Investigating and experimenting - powder paint in the rain
Look I've made green.
Mine is yellow and has bubbles.
We put yellow and blue in the puddle and mixed it up. 
The paint swirled in the puddle. Then we mixed it up, it went green.
We made puddle artwork by putting paper on the paint puddles.