Celebrating Events

Understanding the world we live in and developing positive attitudes towards religions, cultures and celebrations,  is an important part of learning about the world we live in and showing our British Values of Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Others.
On Shrove Tuesday the children showed wonderful physical and mathematical skills cutting their fruit to go with their pancakes during snack time. This real life skill helps develop their fine motor skills and an awareness of how to use tools appropriately.
We had a visit from Mother Alison, who talked to us about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. The children were then blessed if they wanted to be and coloured in a special envelope to hold their prayer.
We also celebrated World Book Day, a day where we can promote our passion of reading for pleasure. Every child had an opportunity to choose a book of their own to take home to develop their love of reading. Reading plays such an important part of developing a child's early language skills and sharing stories is part of every day practice at Pre-School.