Mental Health Workshop

In our Mental Health Workshop we learnt more about Neurodiversity and how all of our brains work differently. We were able to share a lot of our knowledge about a famous mathematician and scientist : Albert Einstein and learnt that he had autism and that he was a Genius. 
We then discussed the different types of geniuses : 
Vision Genius : full of ideas, good imagination and creativity . Famous vision genius - Walt Disney and Ed Sheeran.
Communication Genius : able to communicate clearly with others. Famous communication genius - Barack Obama. 
Action Genius: organised and like to get things done. Famous Action genius - Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa.
 Logic Genius : good with numbers, maths, details of how systems work. Famous logic genius - Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon.

What’s Your Genius? 
We looked at the different qualities and gifts of each genius and identified which genius type we are- some of us identified more than one genius type. 
We were able to share a lot of our knowledge about these famous people from our prior learning. 

We also talked about acts of kindness and what we would do and who for :)
‘Mummy’ collaboration game! We had to listen and communicate with each other in a collaborative manner in order to turn one of our team into a Mummy.