
Welcome to Class 4.
A very warm welcome to Class 4. Class 4 is taught by Miss Tucknott and we are supported in the mornings by Mrs Fritz (HLTA).
Our Theme this term is 'How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?'

PE lessons

During this half term, Class 4’s PE lessons will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon.

Homework is set on a grid and will be sent home at the start of a new theme. They will then be able to select a piece of Maths or English to do each week due in each Friday via their homework book or J2E alongside a theme based one. It would be much appreciated if you could encourage your child to complete their homework on a weekly basis as this will help them to consolidate the learning which they have completed in school. 

Reading is really important and we want our children to develop a love of reading and books. Please try and read with your child every night. The children will be bringing home a library book each Wednesday to be returned and changed the following Wednesday. The children will continue to read their AR books in school to ensure they can quiz as soon as they finish the book.

Spelling lists have been placed in your child’s homework book. This is the statutory list for Year Three and Four. It is suggested that your child choose between 5 and 10 spellings a week to practice at home.

Maths will continue to be focussed on learning the multiplication facts for numbers up to 12 times 12. They will complete the 'Around the world challenge' every Thursday in school. My Maths is also set on a regular basis and TTRockstars can also be used to practise maths skills.

If you have any questions, queries or problems throughout the year then please feel free to make an appointment to meet us via the school office.  

Thank you for your support,

Miss Tucknott