Day of Dance

21st June 2024

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 worked up a sweat on Friday with professional dance teacher and chorographer Rob Mennear! After exhilarating warm ups, they explored different ways of travelling, using low, middle and high level movements such as rolling, jumping, sliding and other adventurous ways of using their bodies. They then used these to choreograph individual dances as well as working in small groups to collaborate ideas and put them to music. Working as a team was crucial and the classes demonstrated fantastic listening skills as they shared their ideas and supported each other beautifully. We all met in the hall at the end of the day to watch each class dance. The final sharing of each original dance was absolutely fantastic. Our school values of Creativity, Relationships and Leadership well and truly in action. A HUGE thank you to Rob for his fantastic teaching and direction enabling the children to shine and to Michelle from Arena Sports for organising the visit.