Sharing Best Practice

22nd May 2024

This week we welcomed 12 teachers from schools around Cornwall, to our school for a Maths Teacher Research Group(TRG)session. This TRG focused on the Mastering Number @ KS2 programme which we are running with our Year 4 and Year 5 classes- this focuses on the recall and mathematical thinking required for the automatic recall of multiplication facts and the related division facts. We would like to thank the Year 4 class and Mrs. Hunt for supporting this TRG by allowing the visiting teachers to see the programme in action- we observed fluency with recall and a variety of ways in which problems were explained and solved- amazing use of mathematical language, gesture and mathematical thinking. Afterwards, the room was a buzz with professional dialogue on the structure of maths and how this supports problem solving.

Some of the comments made:

There is so much maths in those short sessions.

It was incredible to see the pupils talking so confidently about their maths using the correct terminology-

it certainly wasn't forced!

It was brilliant to see a mastering number lesson (year 4) in action.

To see the children working and their way of thinking was great.

As always a huge thank you to our school and Trust Maths Lead, Ms. Neale, for facilitating this fantastic opportunity for professional dialogue, sharing of best practice and highlighting the importance of maths in our curriculum.