Mini-Police Project

3rd November 2023

Mini-Police Project
Last week, Year 6 had an amazing time, working on the Devon and Cornwall Mini Police Community Scheme with PC Best and PC Reese. Throughout the sessions, they were learning about the responsibilities of being good citizens and they have covered the important areas of online safety , anti- social behaviour and discussed problems in the community. We have really enjoyed learning about the equipment which the Police use, the range of jobs within the Police force and about the role of the Police in helping and keeping young people safe. We know many of the children are now considering this role of work in their future .
PC Best and PC Reese. said a huge thank you for the opportunity to work at St Stephens Community Academy again-its something they look forward to all year.....and dates are booked for next year already! They commended the children's enthusiasm , respect and involvement in the sessions.