Rights Holders agreeing on their Key Class Rights

10th January 2023

Today in our Key Stage 2 UNICEF Collective Worship all the children sat in their class groups and discussed their 'Rights'. They then had to agree which rights they felt were the most important in their class. Each class has nominated two class member to be part of the 'UNICEF Steering Group'; the Steering Group make sure that the pupils' voice is heard and respected across the school. As you can see from the photographs it was a lively and positive experience with the children confidently involved and willing to have their voice heard. Well done to  the Steering Group members who recorded and shared their class' decisions. The chosen 'rights' go alongside the class charters and our whole school 'Rights' Charter. We felt the new year was a perfect opportunity to reconsider what is important to us and what our responsibilities are.  The children in our school have the responsibility of being the 'Rights Holders' and all the staff have the responsibility to be the 'Duty Bearers'. The staff are proud  to respect, protect and fulfil our children’s rights.
Some of the rights that the children discussed which link to the UNICEF Articles are:

Article 28: We have the right to learn and have an education.

Article 12: We have the right to be heard and listened to with respect.

Article 6: We have the right to be treated with kindness.

Article 17: We have the right to get information in lots of ways so long as it is safe (e.g. online)

Article 29: We have the right to use resources that the adults think will help us learn and develop our personalities in the school environment.

Great team work and advocacy Team St Stephens.