Picture News Gold Award

15th July 2024

Today we were delighted to receive the following email...

Many thanks for your entry to this year’s Picture News Impact Awards 2024. We’ve now had the opportunity to read through your application and we are delighted to award you with the GOLD level award.

We reached this decision as we felt that your school, alongside SUSTRANS, has made an amazing difference to creating a cleaner environment. The research and workshops you took part in to find out the air quality sounds so interesting and has clearly helped children think about how they travel to school with your measurable data. After getting the word out about your ECO journey in the local press and social media, it was great that you were contacted by the local recycling group and are now a mini hub for the Recycling for Charity organisation.

Well done for the impact you have made; you should feel very proud!

Please find attached the logo for you to use as you feel appropriate, and we’ll be posting your trophy over to you shortly.

A huge congratulations from the whole Picture News team and keep up the great work.