Picture News Impact Award 2021

5th November 2021

WE are incredibly proud to have been awarded an Impact Award by the Picture News publication that we use to teach British Values, current affairs and UNICEF Children's Rights. As a Silver Level UNICEF award school we always value pupil voice and respect what they have to say. It is fantastic that Classes 4 and 5 have secured this award for our school.
The application highlighted their learning on the ir beach tribe day in the summer term and how it influenced them to take part in the Great Beach Clean . The Marine Conservation Society have also been in touch  to thank the children for taking part in this year's event and cleaning up our local area. They spotted our Tweet about the pupils completing a Source to Sea Litter Quest, and are sending  a bundle of the Little Inventors books (aimed at upper primary) including their latest release Little Inventors: Mission Oceans
This work impacted their decision to introduce Eco Councillors and identify key roles in the school, providing opportunities for the school community to reduce pollution and increase recycling e.g. compost collectors and pen/glue stick collections. 
Continuing under the careful guidance of Mrs Gilbert , the classes recently secured bee bombs from the local Rotary Club. Several have been 'thrown' in front of the school for all the community (and bees) to enjoy. 
Eco Champions at St Stephens  lead the way.